21. Noise Impact Assessment Results

1 min read

The Results

The Highway 6 and 401 Improvements Noise Impact Assessment calculated the following results:

Key Assessment Findings

2041 Highway Noise Impact of the Project Approximate Number of Residences
Will experience a decrease in Highway noise73
Will experience insignificant increase (<5 dBA) of noise52
Will experience significant increase (equal to or >5 dBA of noise)6
Will experience <5 dBA increase in noise but the noise level will increase to 65 dBA or more2
Receptors that were assessed for MTO noise barrier feasibility8

Please refer to the roll plan for the Noise Receptors considered for noise attenuation feasibility.

Noise Barrier Feasibility

The assessment determines if a noise barrier within the MTO right of way would result in the required decrease in noise levels at the receptor site and if this noise barrier is considered feasible from both a technical and economic standpoint.

The feasibility investigation considered the following noise attenuation options at the 6 receptor sites (approximately 8 residences):

  • Noise barriers up to 5 metre (m) in height (this is considered the highest practical noise wall height).
  • Combination of earth berms and walls were considered where there was appropriate space in the MTO Right of Way.


  • It is determined that a 5m noise barrier within the MTO Right of Way cannot achieve MTO feasibility for the 6 receptors (approximately 8 residences).
  • Noise attenuation is not recommended for the Highway 6 and 401 Improvements project based on the proposed design.
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