A phased approach is being used for implementation of the Project. The first phase was the replacement of the Concession Road 7 Bridge over Highway 401 which was completed in 2020. Phase 2 of the study includes the Class EA, detail design, and construction of the Highway 6 / Hanlon Expressway Midblock Interchange, a new interchange on Highway 6 (Hanlon Expressway). The Design-Build contract for the Hanlon Expressway interchange was awarded to Dufferin Construction. Updates and notices will be available on the Dufferin Construction website for the detail design and construction of the Highway 6 Midblock Interchange available here: https://highway6midblock.ca/
The Project
The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is moving forward with a Preliminary Design Review and Detailed Design under the Class Environmental Assessment (EA) for improvements to Highway 6 and Highway 401 in the Township of Puslinch, Wellington County, and the City of Hamilton. A study area key map is provided below.
To see the most current status of project delivery, click here to view the schedule page.

If you are interested in details on the Class Environmental Assessment Study for the Highway 6 (Hanlon Expressway) Interchanges from Maltby Road northerly to the Speed River please click here to be directed to that project website.