EA Process
This study is subject to the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act (EA Act) and will be completed in accordance with the MTO Class EA for Provincial Transportation Facilities (2000) process for a Group A project with the opportunity for public input.
Following the EA and Preliminary Design Phase in 1995 (W.P. 65-76-05), which documented transportation system improvements to the Highway 6 corridor between Freelton and Guelph, and an Addendum in 1997, a Review under the EA Act was completed by the Ministry Of Environment in 2007. A Notice of Approval to Proceed with the Undertaking was subsequently granted by Order in Council on, January 22, 2009. A portion of the Preliminary Design along Highway 401 was amended by a Transportation Environmental Study Report (TESR) in 2012 for the Preliminary Design and Class EA for Highway 401 from West of Hespeler Road to the Wellington/Halton Boundary (G.W.P 8-00-00).
A "five-year review" will be undertaken to determine if significant changes have occurred since submission of the 1995 EA and the 2012 TESR. In the event that significant changes are identified from the 1995 and 2012 Preliminary Design Studies, a Transportation Environmental Study Report (TESR) Addendum will be made available for a 30-day public and agency review period. The Detailed Design phase will be documented in Design and Construction Report(s) (DCRs) that will be made available for a 30-day public and agency review period. The DCR(s) will document the study process, Detailed Design and associated environmental impacts, mitigation measures, and a summary of consultation undertaken.