Project Overview
Following the EA and Preliminary Design Phase in 1995 (W.P. 65-76-05), which documented transportation system improvements to the Highway 6 corridor between Freelton and Guelph, and an Addendum in 1997, a Review under the EA Act was completed by the Ministry Of Environment in 2007. A Notice of Approval to Proceed with the Undertaking was subsequently granted by Order in Council on, January 22, 2009. A portion of the Preliminary Design along Highway 401 was amended by a Transportation Environmental Study Report (TESR) in 2012 for the Preliminary Design and Class EA for Highway 401 from West of Hespeler Road to the Wellington/Halton Boundary (G.W.P 8-00-00).
The EA approved plan included:
- A new controlled access four-lane alignment of Highway 6 west of the existing highway, from Highway 6 at Maddaugh Road northerly to Highway 401;
- Improvements to the Highway 6 / Maddaugh Road intersection;
- Structures to carry CP Rail, Calfass Road, Concession Road 1 and Fielding Lane across the new Highway 6 alignment;
- A new two-lane connection road north of the community of Morriston, linking the existing and new alignments of Highway 6;
- Reconfiguration of the Highway 401 interchanges at Highway 6 / Wellington Road 46 (Brock Road), and at Highway 6 (Hanlon Expressway);
- Widening of approximately 3 km of Highway 401 to 10 lanes including High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes between the two Highway 6 interchanges;
- Replacement of the Hanlon Expressway intersection at Wellington Road 34 with a bridge (no connection to the highway);
- Closure of the Hanlon Expressway intersection at Maltby Road / Concession Road 4;
- A new Hanlon Expressway interchange approximately mid-way between Wellington Road 34 and Maltby Road / Concession Road 4 linking Wellington Road 34 on the west side of the Hanlon Expressway to Concession Road 7 on the east side of the Hanlon Expressway (Updates and notices will be available on the Dufferin Construction website for the detail design and construction of the Phase 2 Highway 6 Midblock Interchange available here:;
- Reconstruction of the section of Concession Road 7 between the new interchange and Wellington Road 34;
- Replacement of the Puslinch Concession Road 7 Bridge over Highway 401 (Phase 1, completed in 2020 as part of an advanced construction project, G.W.P. 3224-15-00); and
- Reconfiguration and expansion of the Wellington Road 46 (Brock Road) commuter parking lot.
Refinements to the EA Approved Plan:
- The current study has further refined the EA approved plan. For further details on design refinements please visit: Highway 6 (Hanlon Expressway) and Highway 401 Improvements Public Information Centre 1