
- A Noise Impact Assessment has been undertaken in accordance with the MTO Environmental Noise Guide, 2006.
- The assessment investigates the potential noise impacts of future highway infrastructure on adjacent Noise Sensitive Areas (NSAs) (i.e., residential buildings).
- NSAs are represented by the worst-case receivers in the front row of a development. A group of residences may be represented as a single representative receptor and may experience a sound level increase or decrease.
- The Noise Impact Assessment considered 47 receptor sites (approximately 130 front line residences including new development).
The Prediction Model
The Noise Impact Assessment compares the predicted difference in noise, at receptors for two future scenarios including:
- Future (2041) traffic conditions with no highway improvements in place; and
- Future (2041) traffic conditions with proposed highway improvements in place
The final step of the investigation is to consider feasibility of noise attenuation at receptors where the proposed project is predicted to result in a future increase in noise level:
- Equal to or more than 5 decibels (dBA) at any receptor or;
- Greater than 65 dBA at any receptor.