18. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation – Noise

3 min read

Noise Impact Assessments

  • A noise impact assessment was completed in accordance with the Ministry of Transportation Environmental Noise Guide, 2006.
  • The assessment compared predicted noise for future (2041) traffic conditions with no highway improvements in place and future (2041) traffic conditions with the highway improvements in place at adjacent noise sensitive areas (i.e. residential buildings) within the Study Area.
  • A total of 11 receptors were investigated for noise impacts in the noise assessment.
  • The final step of the investigation was to consider feasibility of noise attenuation at receptors where the proposed project is predicted to result in a future increase in noise level equal to or more than 5 decibels (dBA) or equal to or greater than 65 dBA at any receptor.
  • The feasibility of whether mitigation is provided is based on the review of technical, economical, and administrative feasibility. All conditions must be met for noise mitigation to be constructed.

Key Findings

  • 1 receptor will have decreased level of noise with the highway improvements.
  • 2 receptors will experience no change in noise level.
  • 6 receptors will experience insignificant increase in noise level (less than 5 dBA of noise).
  • 1 receptor will experience significant increase in noise level (greater than 5 dBA of noise).
  • 1 receptor will experience <5 dBA increase in noise level, but the noise level will increase to more than 65 dBA.
  • It was determined that a noise barrier within the Ministry of Transportation right-of-way does not achieve feasibility criteria for the two receptors experiencing impacts due to noise.
  • Construction noise can be a cause of temporary disturbance to surrounding noise sensitive areas.

Please refer to the Noise Assessment Map below for the noise receptors assessed as part of this study.

Click on the map to view a higher resolution plan.

Potential Impacts

  • Potential for noise level criteria exceedances at the location of receptors R05 and R07.
  • Potential for temporary increase in noise level is anticipated during the construction.

Mitigation Measures

  • Feasibility investigation indicated that receptors R05 and R07 do not meet the required feasibility criteria and as such do not warrant mitigation (see Noise Assessment Map for location of receptors).
  • The construction will be undertaken in accordance with Ministry of Transportation Environmental Guide for Noise (2006) requirements.
  • Use of construction equipment will be compliant with noise level specifications in the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks NPC-115 and NPC-118 guidelines.
  • Stationary equipment will be located as far away from sensitive receptors as feasible.
  • Equipment will be maintained in an operating condition that prevents unnecessary noise during construction.
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